Everything you need to know about PRP Therapy | Best PRP Therapy in Los Angeles

3 min readJan 6, 2021



What is PRP?

PRP is short for Platelet-rich plasma. Our body’s own platelets have the ability to provide nutrients and repair the damaged part in our body. With the help of these platelets, we can achieve lots of benefits. Anti-ageing and hair restoration is one of the major solutions that is implemented with the help of PRP. It also cures joint pain and injury.

What is PRP Therapy?

PRP Therapy is the cosmetic treatment where our own platelets are injected in our body to repair or heal. This therapy is very safe as it does not contains any external products as a substitution. It is mainly treated to regain the lost skin and hair due to age, without any side effects. You might have a question that there are lots of cosmetic products available for skin to look smooth, oil-free, brighter etc. Even though there are various cosmetic products for anti-ageing and hair restoration, those products might not give you the results effectively compared to PRP therapy as this treatment is designed for and from one’s body.

PRP Therapy heals the wound and joint pain. Injection for this therapy helps for a speedy recovery. This is very helpful for sports where instant treatment is provided to heal the wound. The concentrated growth factors have been shown to remove scarring, repair bone, muscle, regenerate cartilage, ligaments, and tendons.

Is PRP Therapy Safe?

PRP Therapy is the safest as it is the extraction of or own platelets. Whereas if we use any external creams or medicines we might get damages due to side effects. Also, PRP Therapy will provide an instant reaction and the solution compared to any other cosmetic products.

Best PRP Therapy centre in Los Angeles

RenewMe Medspa offers PRP using a patient’s own blood to treat these conditions. This FDA-approved therapy involves drawing blood from the patient then placing it into a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other cells in the blood. This platelet-concentrated blood product and the growth factors derived from the platelets are then injected back into the patient at the desired site where it stimulates the body to heal; repairing the injured site, and growing new tissue.

List of PRP Therapy provided by RenewMe MedSpa:

Vampire facial:

Vampire facial can be performed on the customers who is concerned about their fine lines and wrinkles. PRP is one of the most effective ways of combating these first signs of ageing. PRP stimulates cell regeneration, collagen, and elastin production for longer-term and youthful-looking results. Let RenewMe Medspa unleash the power of your body’s own ageing resistance with PRP treatments, through the wildly popular “Vampire Facial”.

Hair Restoration:

People get PRP for hair restoration because of baldness, low volume or thinning hair, hair fall and damages etc. Through this therapy, we can get the lost hair texture and regain the growth of hair. RenewMe MedSpa performs three steps for the hair restoration process. First, your blood is drawn from your arm. Next, the blood is spun in a centrifuge to separate the components like blood cells, platelet-poor plasma, and platelet-rich plasma for the PRP extraction. Finally, we inject the extracted PRP into your scalp where your hair is thinning. This will help to grow your hair faster in a limited time.

Joint Pain and Injury:

This PRP therapy is especially beneficial for soft tissue that lacks significant blood flow like injured or diseased articular cartilage, tendons, ligaments, and muscles. It is popular for those with orthopaedic injuries. RenewMe MedSpa PRP Therapy for joint pain helps cartilage and fluid within the hip joints to rebuilt and regenerate. It may accelerate the natural repair process of degenerated and injured tendons, ligaments, and arthritic joints.

Get to know more about — RenewMe MedSpa , IV Therapy in Los Angeles

