Hupport Appointment scheduling software for Teachers and Students

5 min readApr 4, 2021


Digitalized courses and classes are being introduced for better knowledge and ease to learn anywhere and anytime. These courses are for the learner who is interested to learn and cannot visit the organization for the same. Courses are mainly conducted through online, video conference. Due to the pandemic, the situation is that every student needs to attend their classes through online. All the students are now attending their classes and acquiring knowledge with the help of teachers who are providing the lectures through online.

For these digitalized courses, appointment scheduling software is very essential. It possesses loads of advantages and importance for the teachers and students. To implement the online classes, it is necessary to conduct the classes. The whole process of conduction will be made easier with the help of appointment scheduling software. Appointment scheduling software is not only helping the business owner to benefit but also benefit teachers and students. Teachers and students need appointment scheduling software to be more efficient and productive in their academic activities.

Just as an appointment scheduling software can positively impact the business sectors, it also positively impacts the educational sectors. Anybody can book an appointment online with the help of this software. One of the great appointment scheduling software is Hupport Appointment Scheduling software. It provides the comfort of booking no matter where the student and teacher are situated. Hupport helps us to view the time schedule published by the teacher. According to which one can book an appointment. Hupport is the cheapest and burning appointment scheduling software.

How hupport appointment scheduling software benefited teachers and students:

  • Time-Saving:

Hupport appointment scheduling software saves so much time for both teachers and students. Teachers don’t need to waste time creating a timetable and distributing it among the students. You can simply create your teaching schedule on your appointment scheduling software. Students will know when they have your classes by going through your schedule.

  • Effective appointment management:

An appointment scheduling software enhances the relationship between teachers and students by providing a platform where teachers and students can communicate with each other.

Hupport appointment scheduling software has an instant chat feature that allows students to chat live with their teachers. This helps to clear the doubt or any information can be shared with the help of chat features. As a student, you can ask your teacher questions via live chat and you will get instant response from your teacher.

  • Effective appointment management:

Teachers can be at times very busy with their work. Students may come up with their doubt during the teacher’s busy time. This can somehow impact the teacher’s valuable time and can be very distracting for the teachers.

There is a solution for this scenario. Hupport appointment scheduling software can be very helpful for the teachers as well as students. There can be scheduled visiting time or a day in particular announced by the teachers. This announcement of the time and day can be scheduled in hupport. So this will be published among the students and they can help their self on attending the session mentioned.

  • Better Performance:

Hupport appointment scheduling software helps the students to learn more in less duration. As the teachers provide all the information that is needed through this appointment scheduling software, students don’t have to waste their valuable time visiting the teachers. This will help students to improve excel in their academic and co-curricular life.

  • Booking 24/7:

Hupport help students to book classes, tutorials, seminars, or workshops at any time and any day. They can book appointments for classes, tutorials, seminars, or workshops at any time of their choice by using their smartphones or computers. This will save lots of efforts for them and they can concentrate on studies.

  • Classroom management:

Many of us might have experienced that the classroom won't be available as the classroom might be lacking it. This scenario can be avoided with the use of Hupport appointment scheduling software. Hupport is accessible to all teachers and all students. It allows each to teacher schedule their classes accordingly so that they don’t clash with each other.

  • Event management

School event, seminar, or workshop must be scheduled in a systematic way. Hupport will be very helpful for event handling. Without this, students might just come to the event venue anytime and attend. This will not be the first come first serve policy. Hupport appointment scheduling software allows orderliness and control. Students will need to book appointments to attend the event. They can also choose their seating positions so that nobody drags seats with anyone.

  • Reminders:

Hupport appointment scheduling software helps to remind teachers and students about the upcoming meetings. The reminder feature sends automated emails and messages to teachers and students that have booked the meetings. For example, if the teachers have a staff meeting, the software will send reminder emails and SMS before the time of the meeting to remind them.

  • Modify Bookings:

Hupport gives the special features of change or cancels the bookings. This can be done by both teachers and students. If the teacher is not available then he/she can simply reschedule or cancel the appointment, the same applies to students as well. However, the administrator of the system can set the time limit that anyone can make changes to already booked appointments.

  • Reduction on expenses:

As the hupport appointment scheduling software is providing various services, there is a saving of money in a huge amount. This software does many things that school there is very little manpower needed. Hence this will reduce the recruitment of employee which will save a lot of expenses. In this way, School authorities will be very much benefitted by using hupport appointment scheduling software. The school authorities will be able to reduce their expenses and increase efficiency.

  • Tracking:

Hupport allows complete tracking of everything the teachers and students are doing in their classes. The system can track performance in areas such as sports, classroom activities, assignments and other extracurricular activities. It also tracks if teachers have completed their lecture classes and what they need to do for each day, week, and term.

  • Benefits for teachers:

Teachers can use the system to make additional money apart from their monthly salary. A teacher can call for extra lessons or special classes for a small fee. This can be beneficial for students that want to write external exams, students that are lacking behind in their studies, and students that want to know more. Only students that pay this fee will be able to book and attend the class. Hupport appointment scheduling software does have payment channels. Payment can be done in a very simple. Hupport allows integrations from third-party payment solutions such as PayPal and Stripe so that students can make payments when booking appointments. Payment for the appointment will be done in no time and is very safe because it will authenticate the payment procedure.

