Professional Doctors Email Signature Generator

6 min readApr 2, 2021


What is an email signature?

A signature defines who you are and what you do? It is very important for every profession in order to add value and be authorised. It is an identity that proves your knowledge of any particular work. An email signature, as the name itself indicates that the signature used in an email. It is a powerful way to convey your professionalism to your readers and give them the information they need to contact you.

Where an email signature should be seen?

An email signature should be seen at the bottom of each mail. This will help the reader to understand from whom the mail has received. It also leaves a great impression and makes you stand out from your peers.

What an email signature generator software does:

An email signature generator is a tool or software which helps you to create or modify the signatures. You can then upload it to your email service provider and save it as your default signature.

There are various email signature generators available online. One such amazing software called Hupport professional Email signature generators. Hupport is also an appointment scheduling software. Hupport allows you to create and customize templates, where you can include graphics, clickable links, icon, photos, etc. Using hupport email signature generator, you can make your email signature act as a virtual business card. This virtual business card establishes your brand identity. Hupport email signature generator reduces the stress of creating signatures every time you need to sign a digital document.

Why doctors must have an email signature?

A doctor’s signature is the identity that the respective doctor is legally certified. When a doctor is providing the prescription to the patient through email, it is very necessary to add the email signature in it, Without the email signature, the mail is considered a doctor is fake. A doctors email signature acts as a seal of approval. The client usually needs a signature from the doctor as an approval or identifier for a referral or drug prescription.

A doctor’s signature also leaves an impression of your professionalism as a medical practitioner. When a patient needs to claim for the medicines or any hospitalization, a doctor’s signature is very necessary. A doctor’s signature can be used as a trademark or approval of the individual doctor on emails, fax, print, or scanned documents.

Things that need to be included in a Doctor’s Email signature

  • First name and last name.

The doctor’s full name is a must in every email signature. It is a primary identity. It should be located at the very beginning of the email signature. Providing a name on the top of the signature will give key information about the doctor.

  • Title and department.

The job title of a doctor is important information that should be included in an email signature. The job title should be specific according to the specific field or area of specialization.

  • Name of the hospital or clinic

The name of the hospital or clinic is another important piece of information that should be added to a doctor’s email signature and it's mandatory.

  • Hospital or clinic address.

The address of your hospital or clinic should be added to your email signature. The address of your hospital is the physical location of the hospital. Patients can locate your hospital with your office address.

  • Email address

A personal or official email address of the doctor should be added to his/her email signature. This will help a patient to connect with the doctor through an email address.

  • Phone number

The phone number of the doctor is another important piece of information that should be in a doctor’s email signature. Your phone number is the contact number with which patients can contact you.

  • Official URL of the hospital or clinic

The official website URL of your hospital or clinic where the doctors practise should be included in his/her electronic email signature. It is a reference and information about the hospital where the doctor is working.

  • A Photograph:

A clear official photo of the doctor in the hospital uniform should be added to your email signature. This allows people to have a mental picture of who the doctor is and this helps to easily identify the doctor at the first glance. It shows the physical appearance and confirms to people about the doctor.

  • Logo of hospital or clinic:

The logo of the hospital is an important part of a doctor’s email signature. The logo of your hospital is the brand identity of your hospital and should be in your email signature. It increases your credibility.

  • Social networks icon:

Various social networks concentrate on professional networking and career development. Every doctor must be logged in to the social networks. There is an option to connect with the doctor directly by messaging them if the patient is in a very critical state.

Few social networks that doctors can log in to :

1. LinkedIn icon:

LinkedIn Manages your professional identity. It builds and engages with your professional network. It also provides knowledge, insights and opportunities. It is very helpful for doctors as the recruiter can connect and offers job opportunities. In this way, doctors can achieve greater heights.

A doctor can add their LinkedIn icon to the email signature. This can be achieved by linking to the doctor’s LinkedIn page. This helps the recipient to view the doctor’s LinkedIn page via a link.

2. Twitter icon:

Twitter is a microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as “tweets”. Signing up for a Twitter account can help to get to know the person you follow.

Registered doctors can share information about health and wellbeing. A doctor can add twitter’s icon in the email signature with the link to the Twitter account. This will increase the following of the doctor.

3. Facebook icon:

Facebook is a social network that gives the ability to connect with people. It has the great features of sharing information, images, videos etc. These features reach the common people instantly. So doctors can share the healthcare details that will reach and people can be benefitted.

A doctor can add the Facebook icon in the email signature with a link to the Facebook page. Email recipients can access the doctor’s Facebook page by clicking on the link. Adding social media links further confirms your credibility and provides more information about the doctor.

The credentials that to be displayed in the doctor’s email signature:

  • Degrees:

Academic degrees are the first credentials that doctors should add to their email signature. It should come under your full name. The academic degrees of doctors could be MBBS, BAMS, BUMS etc. Adding an academic degree informs the recipients of the level of academics that the doctor has acquired.

  • Licenses:

Licenses are the second credentials that should be added to the email signature. Licenses are the legal rights you have to practice. A license must be acquired before the doctor practices their work. The license must be added in the email signature followed by mentioning the academic degrees.

  • Professional certificates

Professional certificates are the last credentials that can be added to the email signature. Professional certificates are the added certifications that are acquired by doctors apart from academic degrees. They are the added qualifications that benefit the doctors. It is the specialized certifications that assure the patients about the doctors specializes in a particular area in healthcare practice.

  • Disclaimer:

An email disclaimer is a statement, notice, or warning that is added to outgoing emails to limit liability. It is placed separately from the main message and corporate email signature. This disclaimer is optional for the doctor's email signature. It can be added as mentioned below:

“The contents of this email or any attachments are highly confidential. They are intended for the named recipient(s) only. In case you receive this email by mistake please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose this content with anyone or make copies of it.”

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